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Hands-on Macaron Making Class

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

Macaron Making Class

Macaron Making ClassMacaroons are a highly sought out dessert that can be seen at many holidays and parties.

The delicious macaron will light up smiles in the room as your guests enjoy their unique flavour and style.

The traditional macaron is two little cakes with a cream filling on the inside.

The little cakes are made up of almond flour which gives it that zesty and unique flavour.

The word macaron comes from the Italian saccharine which means paste.

This refers to the almond paste ingredient commonly used in traditional macarons.

Macarons originally came from Italy and can be traced to an old Italian monastery dating back to the ninth century.

The recipe spread into France where the cookies became famous.

Since the recipe calls for no flour, it became a common cookie for Jewish Italians.

This cookie was acceptable to eat at Passover and eventually was introduced to the European Jewish folk.

Maracon Making Class

The coconut was not introduced until later down the line.

The coconut shreds were added to the ground almond mix and were baked to crunchy perfection. 

These coconut macaroons are sometimes seen dipped in chocolate to add a balanced, full-bodied flavour to the delicious treat.

The French macaron recipe is a quite simple one that involves baking the circular almond cookies and then sandwiching a yummy sweet cream in the middle.

The cookies can be coloured to shades of green, pink or lavender.

To begin, you will want to beat three egg whites in a mixer with a whisk attachment. Beat the whites until they become foamy.

Add in ¼ cup of white sugar to the egg whites while they are still being beaten in the mixer.

Keep beating until the white are glossy and fluffy; they should be firm enough to hold peaks.

Sift 1 and 2/3rd cups of confectioner’s sugar and 1 cup of finely ground almonds into a separate and then quickly fold the almond mixture into the egg whites.

This should take about 35 strokes. 

Maracon Making Class

Spoon the batter into a plain round tip pastry bag. 

Pipe the batter onto a lined baking sheet into disks.

If the disks hold a peak, the batter will need to be folded a few more times.

Let the cookie disks stand at room temperature until they form a hard skin on top which typically takes about an hour.

Bake the cookies for about ten minutes at 285 degrees.

The cookies should not become brown but have a nice set for them.

Once cooled, spoon a healthy heap of your chosen cream filling onto the cookie and gently press a second cookie onto the filling to form a sandwich.

Traditional & Classic Recipes 

In our baking class, we will teach you the exact methods for both traditional French macarons and also the classic coconut macaron.

Our methods will give you the skills to create the perfect macaroon every time for your family to enjoy.

We will also show you how to use Asian flavours to add zest to traditional macarons.

Come and enjoy our hands-on baking class.