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Hands-on Mediterranean Cooking Class

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

Savour the Flavors of Mediterranean Cuisine

Mediterranean Cooking Class Singapore | Authentic Mediterranean Recipe

Mediterranean cuisine has become something of a buzzword in the culinary world as news reports have emerged spouting the health benefits of a Mediterranean diet.  

Everyone is talking about it, but most people do not have a clear idea of what it is or how countries that we associate with things like pizza and heaping bowls of pasta can offer the key to a healthy diet. 

What is Mediterranean Cuisine?

Mediterranean Cooking Class Singapore | Authentic Mediterranean Recipe

Mediterranean cuisine is informed by the cultural traditions that surround its consumption as much as—if not more than— the ingredients it is composed of. 

To truly understand it and benefit from it, one must know how it is treated and consumed in its native countries. 

When referring to Mediterranean cuisine, you are talking about a wide variety of countries with varying styles and staple ingredients; the term applies to food traditionally consumed in any country that lies along the Mediterranean Sea. 

Some of the countries included are Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Libya.  

While each country has similarities, they also have many differences regarding the ingredients and methods used. 

However, their cultural treatment of meal-time is quite similar.  

It is a social event where everyone consumes the food slowly, wine is always on hand, and conversation flows. 

Portions tend to be smaller and savoured rather than eaten quickly to move onto something else. 

Many recipes which we associate with the term Mediterranean are not authentic. This is why we often feel confused about how such cuisine can be healthy.  

As with most countries, variations are depending on which area of the country you live in.  

The coastal areas of these countries tend to enjoy healthier fare while inland areas tend to use more meat and cheese.

What will I learn in the Mediterranean Cooking Class in Singapore?

Mediterranean Cooking Class Singapore | Authentic Mediterranean RecipeWhen teaching you how to cook Mediterranean cuisine, we emphasize these cultural aspects and show you the techniques and how to approach the ingredients.  

We will cover classic recipes from several Mediterranean cultures that are certain to impress your family and guests.  

The principles you learn can be applied to other cuisines as well, making your overall diet healthier and more flavorful. 

What are Staple Mediterranean Ingredients?

Since the term encompasses a wide variety of cultures, the ingredients can be quite varied. 

However, there are several items which tend to show up no matter what variation of cuisine you are looking to enjoy.  Among them are:

  • olive oil
  • onions
  • garlic
  • tomatoes
  • wine
  • sheep’s milk cheese
  • fish
  • seafood
  • lamb
  • chicken
  • dried fruit
  • yoghurt
  • eggplant
  • peppers
  • mushrooms
  • artichokes
  • herbs
  • nuts
  • honey

What are the Benefits of Eating Mediterranean Cuisine?

Since Mediterranean cuisine was developed to suit the needs of poor communities that lacked access to things such as beef and butter, the food tends to be lower in fat and cholesterol

The food is made with simple techniques, designed to fit into the schedule of a working population while still allowing them plenty of time to socialise – a vital element of any Mediterranean meal. 

When applied to your life, that means delicious food that is easy to make and more time for family and friends.