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Hands-on Venison Butchery Class

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

Venison Butchery Class

Butchering venison is no small task if you are butchering from the whole animal.

Venison for those who are not familiar is simply deer meat.

Deers come in quite large so you can gain knowledge as to how to butcher a small portion of the deer or the entire animal.

There are main delicious dishes that can be created with venison, and all of these things about venison can be learned in our Venison Butchery Classes.

There are several ways to butcher venison and we are here to help you become familiar with butchering venison to get it prepared for seasoning and cooking.

The amount of butchering you choose to do is of course up to you, and what dish you are planning on creating.

You will learn in our state of the art kitchens and from our modern chefs what knives to use that will easily cut through the venison no matter which part of the meat you are planning to cook.

There are many parts of the deer that are edible and delicious and we are here to help you gain the knowledge you need whether you buy your venison in a store, get the meat from a friend, or if you are an avid hunter.

Venison facts like the inner loins being the filet mignon of the deer are important and just what you will learn in our Venison Butchery Class.

How long you can have the meat in the refrigerator, along with the proper temperatures to cook the meat are also important facts you will learn.

Our staff is here to teach you the proper way to butcher the venison and the proper ways to cook the meat.

Which pan is best and what baking dish will suit just fine, as well as a marinade or just a simple spice tonight are questions you might have. We will gladly show you the way.

There are many spices and herbs out there, but in our Venison Butchery Class you will learn a few excellent secrets to make your venison the best there is.

Secrets like the use of sautéing venison and how easy oil, salt, pepper, and browned garlic with added extra garlic salt can be used to enhance the flavours of the natural meat of venison.

The culinary choices you have to make with venison are many, and we will get you started in being able to cook a fabulous meal for your friends and family. They will no doubt want to know the recipe, or otherwise just feel good by tasting something so well cooked. 

Butcher venison like a pro in our Venison Butchery Class, and then gain the knowledge from our friendly class and well-planned lessons yet relaxed and enjoyable for great recipes.

You will be able to impress the most refined of tastes with all the knowledge you will gain from learning all you need to know to successfully butcher venison in our Venison Butchery Class.

Call today with any questions you have, and we will be more than happy to assist you.