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Hands-on German Cuisine Cooking Class

Put on your apron and learn the secret to great cooking & baking

Cook it like the Germans! Join Our German Cuisine Cooking Class!

Discover the German Cuisine

German Cuisine Cooking Class - Bavarian Goulash

Although it is more popularly known for its notable role in shaping European history, Germany has a softer side wrapped up in rich and delicious cuisine waiting to be explored by aspiring cooks around the world.

The love of the tuber potato and meat, over a thousand varieties of sausages, and a mix of sweet and savory flavors make the German cuisine worthy of a spot on your recipe book.

Without a doubt, the best way to start exploring these fascinating and savoury German flavours is to create them right away.

And for an Asian, it makes all the more sense to learn the German way from a native German, right?

This is why we have experienced Chef Cristina leading the way for you in this class.

If you’re somebody who is looking to get acquainted with the German way of cooking, you are right where you need to be!

Elements of the German Cuisine

Most cooks would agree that it is always interesting to first get introduced to the flavours a cook aims to create.

Traditional German cuisine is widely believed to be rich in flavours and hence heavy for the tummy, but modern German cooking is more reflective of light and balanced cooking.

German Cuisine Cooking Class - Erbsensuppe mit SpeckMeat (beef, pork and chicken) and potatoes are particular favourites amongst the Germans. 

Owing to its excessive production and storage capacity, smoking and pickling of meat are essential elements in most German diets.

Even though a majority of Germans prefer meals that have an element of meat, potatoes or bread, the flavouring of dishes is dependent on the peculiar likes of each region within the country.

But there’s more to German cuisine than just meat and potatoes!

There is no shortage of fresh vegetables, pasta and bread in the German cookbook either.

A variety of cakes and tarts, mostly made with fresh fruits of the apple, cherry and plum kind, are also German favorites.

Chef Cristina’s German Cuisine Cooking Class

German Cuisine Cooking Class - Schwäbische Spätzle

Aimed at the amateur Singaporean cook, some important German food elements have been condensed into a four-course meal class by our accomplished German Chef Cristina.

The starter spot on the German menu is reserved for a light or hearty soup with pork flavouring.

Keeping up with that tradition, Chef Christina begins her lesson with The “Erbsensuppe it Speck”, (Split pea soup with smoked ham).

Next on her list is another favourite in the German heritage, the Zigeunergulasch, (Bavarian Goulash), a gorgeous combination of beef, pork and bread.

For the typical Singaporean noodle-lover, another German speciality explored in this class is the flavorful Schwäbische Spätzle (a unique variety of noodles differing from the Italian type in texture due to a larger quantity of eggs).

German Cuisine Cooking Class - Apfel-Zwetschgentorte

No feast is a feast without a sweet finish to it, is it?

Fortunately enough, the Germans agree, and so Chef Cristina concludes the class with the mouth-watering German favourite, Apfel-Zwetschgentorte, Apple and plum cake.

If you’re somebody who finds the idea of a mix of these unique flavours fascinating, then get your apron on and let’s start cooking it like the Germans!

Interested in taking part in this fun cooking class to learn how to create these awesome German dishes to impress your loved ones?