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Learn More About How To Start A Raw Food Diet

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How To Start A Raw Food Diet?

Raw food diet or Raw Foodism is all the rage and buzzwords right now, and if you are wondering how to start a raw food diet here are a few things to keep in mind.

Raw food refers to food such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, and nuts along with some other foods that are not cooked or are slightly cooked.

The reason for not cooking is because cooking certain foods, like vegetables, the heat removes essential nutrients that your body needs.

These nutrients produce enzymes that help in digestion. 

The other concerns are the heat creates free radicals that lead to health problems.

There are semi-raw food diets if you need. 

Where you can have meat and dairy that are unpasteurized, but it is entirely possible to live well on a raw diet. 

The main thing is a raw food diet takes commitment.

You want to talk with your doctor before starting any diet to make sure your health can handle this change.

If you can speak with a raw food specialist, that would be ideal because they can answer the little questions that may apply to you.

A specialist can alleviate your fears about starting a raw food diet.

An excellent area to start is to understand the calories and protein contents. 

Your body needs protein for good energy.

The misunderstanding out there is that vegetables don’t have any protein, and this is not true.

The best thing you can do is purchase a book that breaks down the protein content of each fruit, vegetable, bean, grain, and nut.

Then you want a chart that breaks down a 1,200-2,000 calorie diet into protein need, carb need, and such so that you know what your body needs.

When you know the protein content of raw fruits, vegetables, and beans, you know what to eat, and it ensures you are getting enough to power your life.

If you forget about the word “diet” for a moment and think of food, you’ll realise that raw food is already part of your daily diet. 

These raw food are carrots, salad, tomato, broccoli, kidney beans, chickpeas, peas, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, eggplant, oatmeal, flax, oranges and strawberries.

Fruit salads and smoothies with milk are similar to coconut milk. 

The options for raw food are endless.

There is a myth that raw food is going to taste bad, but it does not have to when you can flavour your food with excellent fresh herbs like basil, and have it with freshly made pasta.

Garlic and onions, raw, bring excellent flavours to your table.

Raw food is about pure fresh food, not processed food. 

You have nothing to fear as far as taste because there are so many options for recipes.

It is important to know that you don’t have to deny yourself food that you love.

You are ahead of the game if you can eat mostly raw foods and then give yourself a break, once a week and eat something not so raw.

It is okay. If you can do raw, good for you. It is also important to know that your body will change a little.

You want to stick to the new way of eating raw for at least four to six weeks for your body and mind to adjust and run smoothly.

You can do it, and you will love the way you look and feel.

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