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Learn More About Making the Healthier Choice

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Making Healthier Food Choices Singapore with Cooking Class Singapore

Making the Healthier Choice

Cooking is something we, and those who enjoy our dishes, hold very dear to our heart (and tummies!).

It is absolutely true that we love our food but what is also true is that making the wrong food and cooking choices can often result in damaging consequences for both you and your family’s health.

Therefore it is very important to ensure that you are cooking the right kind of delicious food.

While our team at Cooking Class Singapore wants to give you the most delicious culinary experience through all the cooking lessons and services we offer, we also want to ensure that you are cooking and eating healthy food.

The Importance of Healthy Cooking Choices

There are a number of reasons as to why you should be cooking and eating healthy. The most important of these is the emphasis that is placed on nutrition for healthy well-being and lifestyle.

Making Healthier Food Choices - Learn to Cook!By incorporating the right kind of nutritious and equally delicious ingredients in your cooking you ensure that you meet all the daily dietary requirements.

In fact, your daily dietary intake actually determines the amount of energy you can spend on your day to day activities.

So in a way, good food choices translate into good energetic days.

In addition to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, sensible cooking choices can also prevent diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, blood pressure, etc. that significantly depend on your choice of dietary and cooking elements.

Finally, cooking unhealthy food can lead to you gaining all that extra weight that we all find so difficult to lose!

What to Incorporate in a Healthy Meal

Making Healthier Food Choices - Create Delicious RecipesA lot of people believe that cooking and eating healthy is all about strict dietary restrictions and depriving yourself and others of food you enjoy.

While it is true that you need to let go of certain potentially harmful ingredients you can still be eating what you love and leading a healthy lifestyle!

Greens, sweet vegetables, whole grains and fruits are all lovable ingredients, aren’t they?

And these set of ingredients also happen to be superb sources of nutrition.

Distinguishing between the kinds of carbs that you use in your cooking is an important consideration. 

Making Healthier Food Choices - Cooking is Fun!

Unhealthy carbs such as refined sugar and white rice that have been stripped of all bran and fibre should be avoided when possible while healthy carbs including whole grains, beans and fruits are an absolute must.

Similarly, avoid using saturated and trans fats in your cooking. Some sources of these categories of fats include candies, margarine, some fried foods, etc.

A better alternative to these is monosaturated or poly saturated fats that are normally found in olive oil, fatty fish such as salmon and herring, corn, soybean and walnuts.

Another simple healthy choice is restricting the amount of sugar and salt that you use in your cooking.

Under the guidance of our expert chefs, you can rest assured that you will be taking the right kind of cooking and eating decisions that will positively impact your health, productivity and lifestyle.

After all, they’re not wrong when they say: you are what you eat!

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